Sound Testing
inacoustic is an industry-accredited provider of Sound Testing (otherwise known as Sound Insulation Testing or Pre-Completion Sound Testing) and has helped hundreds of clients across the UK demonstrate compliance with the requirements of The Approved Document E (ADE) of the Building regulations.
We have completed thousands of sets of Sound Insulation Testing to certify ADE Building Regulations Compliance since 2015 and we understand that providing prompt certification for ADE compliance is essential for enabling a swift project handover upon completion.
Unlike some other companies providing Sound Testing, we are a specialist acoustic consultancy. This means that we not only have experience working on residential builds from inception to completion, undertaking diagnostic testing where required and providing acoustic design specifications, but we also know how to investigate and diagnose the root causes of unexpected failures whilst on site. As a result, we can swiftly and professionally specify remedial works, and advise on the most cost-effective way to achieve compliance before handover.
Why is Sound Testing for Building Regulations Needed?
The Approved Document E (ADE) of the UK Building Regulations requires that sound testing is carried out on some new-build residential buildings and all change-of-use conversions to residential buildings to ensure that party walls and party floors meet the required minimum acoustic performance and sound insulation standards and to prevent potentially disruptive sound transmission between properties.
The purpose of the sound testing is to demonstrate that the building's construction has achieved an appropriate level of sound insulation and sound reduction between separating walls and floors.
This helps to minimise noise transmission between different parts of the building and, ultimately, creates a more comfortable and peaceful living environment for occupants and their neighbours.
How is Competency in Residential Sound Testing Gauged?
Sound Insulation Testing in the UK is primarily undertaken via one of the following schemes: UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service), ANC (Association of Noise Consultants) and SITMA (Sound Insulation Testing Measurement Association). UKAS and ANC are accepted across the UK, with SITMA also being accepted by almost all UK Private and Local Authority Building Control officers.
In addition to the accreditation body, it is also important to be confident that your chosen Sound Testing Technicians and Engineers on site are suitably qualified.
At inacoustic, our Sound Insulation Testers all hold the Technical Member of the Institute of Acoustics (TechIOA) certification as a minimum and undertake all calculations in accordance with BS EN 12354-3:2000. We also undertake regular in-house CPD sessions and stay abreast of developments in industry guidance and best practises to deliver the best results for our clients.
Is Sound Testing only required for The Approved Document E?
For residential pre-completion sound testing, compliance with The Approved Document E is a key step in achieving building control sign-off. Not all testing directly relates to Building Control Compliance, though.
At the early stages of a conversion or residential redevelopment, for example, it is important to understand the acoustic performance of the to-be-retained party structures so that the most suitable sound insulation materials and build-ups can be specified. The best way to do this is to undertake a detailed site inspection and a suite of diagnostic testing.
For non-residential projects (i.e., commercial, government buildings, offices) schemes are often progressed to achieve BREEAM Hea 05 and Pol 05 acoustic credits. Of these, Hea05 considers internal ambient noise levels, reverberation levels and sound insulation performance between acoustically sensitive spaces. It should always be undertaken by a suitably qualified acoustician (SQA) as defined by BREEAM.
What Sound Testing Projects do inacoustic Specialise in?
inacoustic has successfully tested the sound insulation performance of a huge range of residential schemes.
Our project portfolio ranges from completing a morning’s testing at a self-built semi-detached house to planning and delivering the entire testing schedule for an inner-city skyscraper of 100+ apartments.
Regardless of the size of the scheme or the experience of our customers, we approach each project with the same commitment to quality, price and service. If you would like a quote for Sound Insulation Testing (including a price reduction for instructing multiple sets), please drop us a line. We’d love to talk about your requirements in more detail!