Event Noise Management
Noise Control and Event Noise Management go hand in hand with running a music festival, public event, sporting fixture, wedding or entertainment venue.
Whilst providing the best possible acoustic experience and atmosphere means that festival goers, music lovers, revellers and sports fans will have a great time, you’ll also need to be mindful of your noise impact if you want to deliver a successful event.
Agreeing to a noise management plan, which considers the impact of noise from live or recorded entertainment upon off-site receptors, and proactively monitoring noise levels throughout your event is one of the best ways to deliver a professional and conscientious event whilst conforming to applicable regulations and Local Authority planning or licensing requirements.
At inacoustic, our in-house Event Noise Management specialists have experience managing noise at events as diverse as city-centre international cricket matches, annual truck conventions and music festivals located at the heart of a national park, using state-of-the-art technology to minimise complaints and optimise the fan experience. Read on to learn about how our Event Noise Control and Noise Management services could help you.
Noise Management Plan
A Noise Management Plan is a document that details the steps you should take to ensure that you control noise at your event. It will identify target noise levels and outline how you intend to maintain acceptable off-site noise levels, it will list the type of equipment and software that you’ll use throughout the event, and it will explain your reporting procedure and the steps you’ll take in the event of complaints or exceedances, as well as demonstrating how you’ll report on your findings.
Remote Access Noise Monitoring
Remote Access Noise Monitoring (RAxML) enables you to monitor noise levels at multiple measurement positions from a remote location, such as a production unit or office. RAxML gives real-time insight into your noise-level compliance throughout the event and delivers a clear overview of noise levels across key parameters and time intervals, alerting you if you breach your thresholds. Remote Access Noise Monitoring is an effective noise management tool, enabling your Noise Management Team to react to noise issues in a targeted and timely manner.
Attended Noise Measurements
Undertaking attended noise measurements at pre-determined locations is essential for managing noise whilst optimising the quality of the event experience. Our event noise management team all hold environmental sound monitoring competency certificates and have backgrounds in performance or production, meaning that they can work closely with artists’ sound engineers, production staff, venues and local residents to measure, manage and report on event noise in the best possible way without compromising the integrity of the event itself.
Local Authority Liaison
Just as we know that delivering a great event is a fine art, we also know that noise management is a science that, at times, is technical in nature. By distilling the technicalities of noise management into easy-to-understand terms for Local Authority Officers and agreeing on conditions that work for all parties, we are able to manage expectations on your behalf, provide relevant input into licensing decisions and act as an Expert Witness in order to sufficiently protect amenity without compromising the integrity of your event.