
inacoustic has established its reputation as a valuable partner for clients who work on construction projects. We have extensive experience collaborating with clients to create Section 61 applications that seek authorisation to commence construction activities under Section 61 of the Control of Pollution Act (CoPA) 1974. Our specialised team of consultants aim to facilitate consent as quickly as possible, as once authorised, section 60 of CoPA or Section 80 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 cannot be enforced insofar as Section 61 and its requirements are complied with.

When undertaking these assessments in accordance with the guidance outlined in BS 5228 code of practice. Our team has the expertise and experience to evaluate, monitor, and supervise the impact of noise and vibration on construction and open sites. The company takes a comprehensive approach to construction noise management, prioritising the needs of clients and adhering to local regulatory requirements while considering the needs of the surrounding communities.

Our commitment to high-quality work is emphasised by our process, which offers personalised support to clients throughout the project. We recognise the varying nature of construction projects and tailor our services to suit client-specific scenarios. By working alongside our clients to gain an in-depth understanding of their requirements and the unique complexities of their construction project, we can devise bespoke solutions that aim to guarantee compliance with the specified regulations whilst minimising noise pollution. Allowing for projects to be delivered on time and on budget.

    • Construction Noise Management Plan

    • Section 61 Applications

    • Noise Modelling

    • Noise Assessments

    • Planning Condition Discharge

    • Construction Noise Monitoring

    • Long Term Remote Noise Monitoring